Property & IT fair in Sweden
Finally, (five years since the last one) today there was a fair in Sweden entirely focused on smart use of IT within the property industry. This Property & IT fair in Stockholm was arranged by the Seminar Design Group.
(Actually the name for the day was, in Swedish, "Sänk kostnaderna genom EFFEKTIV INFORMATIONSHANTERING i ditt fastighetsföretag", i.e. "Reduce cost through efficient information management in your property company". That's not a catchy name!)
More pictures are to be found at Flickr.
The day attracted some 150 attendees and 6 (?) exhibitors. I was impressed by the former number (being the first one in five years) but not the latter number.
The overall impression
As one of the exhibitors I had a great day with a number of potential customers and a possibility to meet up with other companies in the business. (There were more suppliers attending then exhibited).
The speakers
The ones to be remembered was Bo Tyrefors, who had a great presentation about the work on a XML standardization done be Fi2 organization, and Niklas Walldan's presentation on the focus on processes within AP Fastigheter (one of the biggest property companies in Sweden). (My humble opinion is that some of the other speakers need to focus on improving their presentation skills.)
The exhibitors
The following companies where present;
Datscha Online information and analyse solution (full disclosure)
LEB Property Management Software
3L Property Management Software
NSI Building automation systems and HVAC controls
Zon56 Outsourcing partner
CAD-Q CAD consulting
Hopefully, this will be an annual fair.
There is a need in the market.
However, maybe not an interest...

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