My first public speech as a 'blogger'
Last week I did my debut as a speaker, in my role as a 'blogger', at an event held by the Swedish commercial property company, Brinova. (I've done too many speeches to remember in my 'day job' as Product Manager at Datscha).
The event
The focus of the event was 'The future of logistics' (since Brinova mainly owns that type of properties). In other words, not the property market itself. Among the 150+ attendees there were people from all the large players like DHL, Schenker and to customers like IKEA.
The event was, by far, the most tech-savvy 'property event' I've been to. Just to mention two aspects of it, it was live streamed over Bambuser (no quality to talk about but hey, they were trying), and they had the attendees to do polls using their mobile phones (for example what the last topic should be about).
My presentation
I was invited by Brinova's marketing coordinator Jonas Hallström (LinkedIN and @JonasHallstrom) to talk about 'Software as a Service' (SaaS) in general (not commercial real estate specific). An invitation I of course couldn't turn down.
Here are the slides:
(Great slides make no sense without the 'sound'...)
... and from the Bambuser recording.
(I enter the stage at 1h 29m.
Unfortunately, the sound doesn't work until 1h 58m, and hardly even then.)
Sum up
Everything went great and I got lot of positive feedback afterwards.
It seems to have sparked quite a few conversations.
Which was the assignment. ;-)
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